Furanetio's Studio

Work Logs

Project logs.

September 10, 2024

So one of my 1/3 dolls, Konstantine, finally got his clothes washed. It didn't seem that dirty but I take him out outside a lot for photoshoots so it needs a wash. My dolls all wear better clothes than me and I put more care into their clothes than I ever will for my own. There's so many things that need to be done. Lots of plamo kits, a book to finish as soon as possible, and lots of packages for stuff arriving. I feel bad for being a collector of posable figures and plamo, but I love them so much. They are all so pretty, and they technically do fit as props for a doll, Miriam. Her character commands a bunch of these little machines, so I hope one day I can make a whole set featuring her and her crew of what she dubs Maidens. I have too much stuff on preorder.....where will I put all of you?

September 2nd, 2024

First entry in the blog. I got so many projects that needed to be processed through and I'll post what I can on here. Today? I finished stringing one of my dolls, Miriam. She's a 65cm doll, so she's huge. And stringing her was a pain since it was a challenge to find the correct length of string that won't damage the resin yet still tight enough to retain tension. Did you know that if you string too tight, the S hook will dig into the grooves it rests on in the head and damage the resin? Chinese doll brands have pretty soft resin, and most of my dolls are from Chinese brands... Japanese and Korean BJD brands use harder resin, or at least the ones I have do. They'll still get damaged if you string them too tight. So that's the reason you shouldn't string too tightly. The S hook will dig into the resin and one day, it'll work it's way through your dolls neck hole. Anyways, my 1/3 dolls need clothes. Like nice, custom clothes. And I have things I need to make for them. I've also been working on my book. It's a romance, and I got the idea for it after listening to some other people talk about their drafts at a local writers group. That group irritated me to no end, sooo, I was thinking, let's also write a romance novel. I don't know what to call it. It's under the working title of Bitterness for now. And what about my comic? A Voyager's Travel Log or the Automaton Prince? I'm remaking it since the first few chapters I did make are shit. My drawing will still be eh, but I want to draw comics.


This is where I post my writing, art, and dolls! For my writing, I'll be posting any books I have for sale, short stories, and writing snippets from my books! For my art, I'll be posting my comics, art [duh], and any sketches. And for my dolls, I'll be posting photos of them and any ongoing doll projects. You also get to see me ramble on my blog!

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